Saturday, March 17, 2018


It seems we have been Absent Without Official Leave!

Or at the very least, I have been remiss in letting everyone know what we’re doing. Apologies to those of you who’ve been inquiring as to why I haven’t posted anything in ages; the next time I expect a long break from the blog, I’ll post those plans in advance…

To recap: Very shortly after we returned to New Zealand at the end of last sailing season, we flew back to the States for Clarence Shaw’s 89th birthday, then spent Thanksgiving and Christmas visiting family and friends. That trip was shorter and had fewer destinations than the previous year’s holiday “tour”; it was full of delights, but not full of blog-worthy photos.

Once back in New Zealand, we took a driving tour of the South Island, then started working hard on boat projects in preparation for this coming sailing season. The South Island was gorgeous, so sorting photos and posting about that trip is definitely on my To Do List! I hope to have it online by the end of this month. (If I type that, will it come true??)

After that will be a post about the myriad projects completed in Whangarei this time around, which I’m hoping you’ll be able to see by early May. After that, we’ll be exploring new-to-us places in Fiji for a few months, then sail back to Vanuatu. As always, once we’re in the island nations where internet is spotty, I strive—marginally successfully—to post something about once a month.

Thanks for sticking with us as we continue to find adventures near and far!

Okay, one photo:
Camden, Art, Katelinn and Nancie
walking in the  snowy woods in Philadelphia
New Year's Day 2018


  1. Glad to see you back on here! We were wondering what you were up to.
