Wednesday, May 13, 2020

We're Off!

From Hawai'i... Alaska
(Is this really what we want?!))

We're as ready as we can be and the weather looks reasonable, so we plan to depart within a few days.
While at sea I post our noon positions (via ham radio) at

The route is approximately 2500 miles and we expect to encounter a huge variety of conditions by the time we arrive. It is our last long passage, and we plan to make the best of all of it!

Farewell to Hawai'i, farewell to the  tropics, farewell to water both blue and warm; we will miss all of that. But we're looking forward to saying hello again to mountain ranges, eagles and salmon, seals and orcas--and our beloved friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. ...the wind be at your back,
    the sun shine on your face,
    sweet sleep when below deck and
    happiness in this last race.
