Thursday, November 6, 2014

Channel Islands Harbor

There are two parts to the Channel Islands adventures because we had to make a run for the city of Channel Islands Harbor. The trusty Perkins engine had started sputtering while in Morro Bay, and the sputtering got worse and worse. When the engine died completely while pulling out of the Coches Prietos anchorage, we knew we had a bigger problem.

Art's a good mechanic and checked all the primary culprits, especially since low fuel could have clogged the system with sediment from the bottom of the tank. But a careful inspection (changing fuel filters, checking the fuel pump, bleeding the lines and injectors) didn't solve the problem. Art was confident he could fix it--but it would be far easier with power tools & flat water and we needed more fuel anyway, so we headed to Channel Islands Harbor. Fortunately we could sail those 20 miles with ease (great winds,with more dolphins & sea lions as company), but for the first time ever--yes, we knew this would be a trip of firsts, but not this kind--we called for a tow.

Vessel Assist got us safely from the breakwater to a dock, and we actually enjoyed watching the towing process unfold. The skipper was extremely professional and the fee was covered by insurance, so except for denting Art's pride, all turned out well.

Frankly, I was proud of the fact that he was able to identify and fix the problem the next morning [For you mechanics out there, a mystery part--most likely an electric pre-primer--was preventing fuel from getting to the engine. Since it was an unnecessary part, Art re-routed the fuel lines to bypass it, and voila! Or better yet, VROOOOM!!]

Harbor sunset
It turned out to be a good stopover, though the moorage was quite spendy; ouch! Welcome to Southern California; that's why we try to anchor & not stay in marinas...The harbor has wide fairways lined with palm trees--quite picturesque--and was in easy walking distance to a West Marine store (mandatory stop) and grocery stores (we'd used up our margarita makings, so that was a mandatory stop too). Plus a real shower is always more than welcome!
Channel Islands Harbor

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